2040 Long Range Transportation Plan

2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)

The Charlottesville-Albemarle MPO’s 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan looks ahead three decades to assess future transportation projects vital for our region. The plan considers all modes of transportation including highways, roads, bus, rail, bicycle, pedestrian and air. This planning process updates the 2035 United Jefferson Area Mobility Plan (UnJAM 2035), which was approved by the MPO Policy Board in May 2009.

The 2040 LRTP is a fundamental document for our community. Not only does it outline our region’s long-range transportation vision, it also lists all future projects that we anticipate our region will undertake in the next 20 to 30 years in an effort to attain that vision. The project list is one of the more critical elements of the plan in that federal funding cannot be allocated to transportation projects unless they are included on this list. Additionally, this list of transportation projects must be fiscally constrained, meaning that the MPO cannot plan to spend more money than it expects to receive.

The 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan available below has been broken out by chapter. The full document is available upon request.

The 2040 LRTP was approved by the MPO Policy Board on May 28, 2014.

A copy of the signed resolution is in the preface section.

The 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Document

The Preface contains the document cover, acknowledgements, adoption resolution, table of contents and executive summary.
Chapter 1 gives an overview of the region’s demographics.
Chapter 2 assesses the existing conditions of the region’s transportation system.
Chapter 3 gives an overview of the LRTP purpose and process.
Chapter 4 outlines the vision, goals and objectives of the LRTP.
Chapter 5 describes the performance measures that were used to assess projects in the LRTP.
Chapter 6 assesses the regional transportation deficiencies anticipated for our region in 2040.
Chapter 7 describes the assessment process for considering road and transit projects for inclusion in the LRTP.
Chapter 8 outlines the assessment process for considering bridge, intersection, bike and pedestrian projects for inclusion in the LRTP.
Chapter 9 outlines the fiscal-constraint process for the LRTP.
Fiscally Constrained Project List and Visioning Project List
Public Participation Record of Input
Glossary of Terms


  • The 2040 LRTP was amendment by the MPO Policy Board at its September 24th, 2014 meeting. This amendment focuses on a signalization project in the City of Charlottesville along US 29 Bus from Hydraulic Road and US 29 to University Ave and Emmet Street. This signalization project extends the County’s Route 29 signalization project that is part of the Route 29 Solutions Process.

Supporting Documents